Thursday, January 05, 2006


MSN Messenger

Just got a MSN Messenger ID.
I'll be using it 9am - 5.30pm weekdays.
Add me!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006



Right so,
Here's the story;
There's a newsagents on Abbey St., Dublin called Reynolds.
That, a Spar & 1 other small shop (Food Fare I think it's called) are the only newsagents on Abbey St.
Or at least on the small stretch of Abbey St. near where I get my bus home from town.
I normally go into a shop to get change for the bus, or a Twix bar to snack on to do me until I get home.
And Reynolds is the 1st shop I get to from O'Connell St. so I've made a habit of going in there, rather than one of the others.
Also, subconsciously I suppose, it shares a surname with one of my best friends (maybe they're even related, probably not).
Anyway, the shop-keeps in Reynolds are always very friendly, even when just buying a Twix.
They're a family business, as opposed to the worker bees in Spar, who are mostly Orientals, just there to pay the rent - No offence to them!
It's a small thing to be friendly, but it's nice after you've been tredging through town all day in the busy crowds.
Just last week, a girl walked in while I was there, & as she started to attempt to explain what she wanted in what seemed like broken English & a French accent, he interrupted her with a corteous 'Bonjour', & hence pursued (ensued?) a full conversation "En Francais".
So the guy (manager\owner I think) speaks French!
Fantastic! Not only friendly, but multi-lingual, & very helpful.
Anyway, yesterday I got a craving for a Cuisine De France apple pecan pie (Yum! Drool!), which unfortunately cannot be bought in Reynolds, only in Spar.
So I was forced to betray my regular friendly shop-keeps for a bit of sweet-ass candy.
And, let me assure you, dear reader, as I walked out of the shop, pie in hand, I felt DIRTY!!
To you, Reynolds of Abbey Street, I offer up my sincerest apologies.
Let my bitter sweet tooth never lead me away from a friendly face again.
I pledge to be a better person!
Good day.

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